Read a review of One Hundred Valentines on weekend notes here https://www.weekendnotes.com/one-hundred-valentines-book-review/
I received this book today and thought I would pick it up and read a few poems and I've sat here for an hour and completely devoured it!
This book of poetry really takes you on a rollercoaster of emotions and it feels so personal, almost like your reading a diary. It is so raw, filled with hope, love and loss and it is so relatable. I found that I couldn't stop reading, I had to keep going to see how it all ended. This book is visually beautiful, the cover and the artwork inside makes it one of the most aesthetic poetry books I own, even my 5 year old commented on how lovely the book looked.
I loved the journey these poems took me on but my favourites were The Rain, This is the Life, These Parts and Blame, mainly because I felt a connection with them, I could relate to them so much that I could have written them myself (not as eloquently I'll grant you). I know this is going to be a poetry book that I will frequently be dipping into for a quick escape from the world
Kelly— 5 stars—Goodreads
This is a luscious and beautiful book that you could pop into your handbag/backpack. It reminds me of a classy edition of Shakespeare's sonnets in size and tone.
Filled with colour illustrations by talented Melbourne artist Marisa Liistro that perfectly evoke the long hot steamy nights of love as well as the chilly, sad aftermath of broken hearts, it is very thoughtfully laid out and thus makes a nice gift to either yourself or a poetry-lover, or just a lover.
The author is an established artist in the electronic music scene and in this, her first published book, her experience in shaping words shines through. The same care in crafting the physical book has been given to the words within. The poetry leans towards prose, almost a stream of consciousness captured in little bubbles of experiences, feelings, textures and thoughts. No rhymey-rhymey lovesick sugar syrup here, her writing succinctly captures both the bitter and the sweet.
I can't wait to dip into this again, and eagerly awaiting her next work.
Susie—five stars—Goodreads